International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era
The vision for the Alliance includes both outward-facing and inward-facing goals.
Outward Goal:
To increase the visibility and impact of the research produced by members of the individual societies by providing a mechanism for the societies to collaborate and generate a cohesive picture of important findings related to learning in the digital era that could influence research, educational practices, and policy. A highly successful exemplar for achieving such a goal (at least within the USA) is the Computing Research Association (CRA) whose mission is "to enhance innovation by joining with industry, government and academia to strengthen research and advanced education in computing."
Inward Goal:
To increase cross-society awareness both at a scientific level (around differing methods, theories, technologies, findings) and at an administrative level (especially around the organization of conference logistics).
Exchange of scientific papers as major mechanism to support cross-disciplinary science communication.
History of IAALDE best papers↗ exchanged through this mechanism.
Calendar↗ that visualizes the the annual cycle of IAALDE society conferences and their deadlines.
Our mission is to advance scientific and practical understandings of how to teach, how learners learn, and how technological systems can more effectively support education. Our objective is to have a more powerful and global impact by linking together societies with overlapping interests and goals.

If you represent a society and would like to be an IAALDE member, click here for membership details.
International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era
Represents over 3,000 leading researchers worldwide who have joined forces to advance science, practice, and policy on issues surrounding learning in the context of a digital, technology driven era.
involved in the effort
Each individual society has its own history and disciplinary or multi-disciplinary foundation and established mechanisms for supporting the dissemination of their scholarly work.
What they have in common is a commitment to research on learning, broadly defined, and an orientation towards producing research that has real impact in the world.However, these societies have evolved independently and, despite some overlapping membership, their research contributions remain largely within separate publication venues, conference proceedings and journals.
The Governance Structure of IAALDE consists of an Executive Board with 1 representative from each society, typically the society's President or representative from their Management Board.A Chair of IAALDE is elected from amongst the members of the Board. In the future, the Board might consider bringing in external expertise via an Advisory Board, as well as Task Forces or Working Groups for specific purposes. Full membership entitles an organization to select one member to participate as a voting member of the IAALDE board. However, conferences such as Learning@Scale are eligible to play a less formal role as Affiliate Members, which entitles them to select a member to participate in IAALDE discussions, but without a vote.Read the full IAALDE bylaws↗.
There are a number of international societies with interests focused in the overlap between education, learning and digital technology who wish to explore the possibility of cooperating more closely.

This effort has grown out of a series of discussions involving a number of the Presidents of these societies and other interested persons under the leadership of Carolyn Rosé↗ of the International Society of the Learning Sciences.A number of the Presidents of these societies and other interested persons held meetings by videoconferencing between 2013 and 2016 under the guidance of Carolyn Rosé of ISLS. These discussions culminated in a face-to-face meeting in Edinburgh on April 30th 2016, associated with LAK 2016.The groups meeting online and at Edinburgh have at different times included Carolyn Rosé, Jeremy Roschelle, Benedict du Boulay, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Dragan Gasevic, George Siemens, Paul De Bra, Katherine Maillet, Ryan Baker, Eleni Kyza, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Beverly Woolf, Nikol Rummel, Danielle McNamara, Bruce McLaren Fridolin Wild, Martin Wolpers, Piotr Mitros, and Pierre Dillenbourg.
An initial draft of a proposal for this alliance was presented to the Management Boards of the initial societies in 2016 and was approved by July 2017 with the forming of the inaugural governing board.The proposal for an alliance grew out of concerns over lack of shared practices that would encourage better coordination and sharing of resources. One concern was that fragmentation weakens each society's ability to represent the field of learning sciences and technology, broadly construed.Another concern was that fragmentation leads to siloed knowledge, that is detrimental to pushing the science forward. This proposal was generated by members of the various societies with the intent to establish this alliance that could produce a productive partnership that bridges the societies and creates a platform for supporting broader synergies between research insights developed within each society. The hope is that in so doing, the concerns just mentioned could be addressed through continuing discussions. The years of informal discussions leading up to this proposal have already proved beneficial for increasing coordination. Opportunities for future growth are now established as the IAALDE Alliance, which now begins its important work.
Please refer to the IAALDE bylaws↗. All member societies agree to uphold the IAALDE bylaws
Any not-for-profit professional society may become a member of IAALDE based on these criteria:
Full details of member expectations are specified in the IAALDE bylaws. In order to apply for membership in IAALDE, please fill out the this form↗.
Exchange of best papers
One of the primary goals of IAALDE is to use this cross-society collaboration to advance scientific and practical understandings of how to teach, how learners learn, and how technological systems can more effectively support education. As part of that effort, each year each member society will identify a Best Paper from its own conference and provide fiscal and logistic support for one of the author(s) of that paper to attend the conference of another IAALDE member and present the work there in a designated track.Each member society will take responsibility for determining:
Their own process for identifying the best paper in accordance with their society’s guidelines, and
The level of funding provided for expenses related to presenting the paper.
The recipient of the award from each society would then select from among conferences sponsored by other IAALDE member societies listed in the table below. In order to present at a member society’s conference, the awardee must contact the society’s representative board member. The table below lists all member societies, including an approximate deadline for securing a presentation slot at the next conference of that society. You can also find the same deadline as “best paper share” in the calendar of all deadlines of all societies – the best paper share deadline is typically around the time of paper notifications and camera ready deadlines.
Society | Deadline | Conference(s) |
International Society of the Learning Sciences | January 15 | International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning |
International AI in Education Society | April 1 | Artificial Intelligence in Education |
Society of Learning Analytics Research | December 15 | Learning Analytics and Knowledge |
International Educational Data Mining Society | January 10 | Educational Data Mining |
The European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning | May 31 | The European Conference of Technology Enhanced Learning |
Society for Text and Discourse | Paper Submission Deadline | Text and Discourse |
Learning@Scale | March 15 | Learning @ Scale |
ATIEF:Association des Technologies de l'Information pour l'Education et la Formation | January 31 | EIAH (biannual) : Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain |
SIG EDU | May 15 | Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) |
Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) | July 31 | International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) |
Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE) | January 31 | Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE) |
The following representatives will participate on the Board on behalf of their society.
International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE)
Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)
International Society for the Learning Sciences (ISLS)
International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS)
Society for Text and Discourse (ST&D)
The European Association for Technology Enhanced Learning (EATEL)
International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED)
Association des Technologies de l'Information pour l'Education et la Formation (ATIEF)
Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE)
Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development (ASLERD)
Global Chinese Society for Computers in Education (GCSCE)
IAALDE Website Maintenance Team
Former Board Members
Membership in IAALDE is open to relevant research societies, defined as those being not-for-profit professional societies specifically those having a governing board, near-open membership, a peer-reviewed annual or bi-annual conference, and a dedication to research broadly related to the area described above.In order to maintain continuity, research communities with conferences but not professional societies would not be eligible to join IAALDE in their own right as full members unless the conference has a Special Interest Group (SIG) designation by a larger professional society, with an individual identified by that professional society to represent the SIG in IAALDE.The addition of new member organizations is by a vote of the full Board of IAALDE.
IAALDE Society Membership Application Criteria
Please refer to the IAALDE bylaws. All member societies agree to uphold the IAALDE bylawsAny not-for-profit professional society may become a member of IAALDE based on these criteria:
Has an elected governing board
Has an established membership application and renewal process
Produces a peer-reviewed conference
Has a dedication to advancing scientific and practical understandings of how to teach, how learners learn, and how technological systems can more effectively support education
Current member societies include:
We are very happy that you are interested in the IAALDE – The International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era. Please look at the current board and contact the acting president and secretary via email. We are looking forward to your email.
VISTAS Colloquium Series
Learning and Technologies Research VISTAS:
Visions, Inspiration, Synergy and Transformation across IAALDE Societies: A Colloquium Series
Series started: October 2022
Series ends: 2023

The International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era organizes a colloquium series on Learning and Technologies to encourage Vision, Inspiration, Synergy, and Transformation Across Societies (IAALDE VISTAS Colloquium Series).The goal of VISTAS is to create a discussion space where researchers can connect with one another to explore ideas across multiple disciplinary and society perspectives. The VISTAS Colloquium Series is envisioned to inspire transformative research and to improve our societies by better connecting researchers to one another and to cross-disciplinary ideas.
VISTAS Scholars:
In a first phase, IAALDE has called for ambitious mid-career researchers pre-tenured or recently tenured, who are developing and implementing a long-range research vision (think: 5-10 years ahead) and are therefore interested in discussing their research vision with peers from multiple societies and different disciplinary backgrounds.We are happy to be able to introduce these scholars here:

Dr. Fahima Djelil
Fahima Djelil is an associate professor of Computer Science at IMT Atlantique (Brest, France). She is a researcher in the Lab-STICC laboratory in the team MOTEL, and a member of the francophone society ATIEF (Information Technology for Education and Training). Her research interests include Learning Analytics methods and Artificial Intelligence to tackle many subjects at the intersection of Computer Science and Education, such as assessment, peer learning, collaborative learning, engagement, self-regulation, monitoring and game-based learning.

Dr. Rafael Ferreira Mello
Rafael Ferreira Mello has a PhD in computer science with research interests that span learning analytics and natural language processing. He is a lecturer and researcher at the CESAR University and UFRPE in Brazil. In the last few years, Dr. Mello has supported adopting Learning Analytics techniques and tools in several institutions in Brazil. Moreover, Dr. Mello is the leading researcher at two national-level projects funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, aiming to develop (i) natural language processing techniques to enhance students' written productions and (ii) Learning Analytics Dashboards to support decision-making regarding the national education plan.

Dr. Roberto Martinez-Maldonado
Roberto's background is in Human-Computer Interaction, Learning Analytics and the Learning Sciences. His research points to the value of imbuing students’ data with values and contextual characteristics of the educational context for data to be meaningful. Roberto plans to deepen our understanding of how to communicate multimodal, group data to educators and students who do not have formal data analysis training. This is to be created based on principles of co-design, for students to design their own Collaboration Analytics and Data Storytelling tools.

Dr. Aneet Narendranath
Dr. Aneet Narendranath is an Associate Teaching Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological university. He leads a heavily interdisciplinary Research group on Learning Analytics and curricular Innovation constituted of teaching-intensive faculty from Applied Mathematics and Machine learning, fluid dynamics, IC engines, Combustion research, product and process development in the micro/nano realm, and Statistics. His current focus is extracting insight from large amounts of text and communication that students produce when they interact with or complete learning activities. He applies quantitative methods embedded in Graph theory, Nonlinear dynamics and Chaos, Statistical methods for Genre analysis, and Large Language Models to create digital tools that assess text and natural language.

Dr. Elaine Harada Teixeira de Oliveira
Elaine Harada Teixeira de Oliveira has a Ph.D. in Informatics in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. She is an associate professor at the Institute of Computing at the Federal University of Amazonas. Her present research is focused on studying students’ behavior as they learn how to program, using learning paths and data-driven approaches. The data is collected by the interaction of the students with a self-devised Online Judge. Her research aims to predict outcomes, help decision making and provide adaptive learning through Learning Analytics.

Dr. Diego Dermeval
Diego Dermeval is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Alagoas. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science in Brazil with a sandwich period at the University of Saskatchewan (Canada). He has been dedicated to research in AIED, working on intelligent educational technologies' design, development, and experimentation with an emphasis on augmenting teachers. He is the Center for Excellence in Social Technologies (NEES) vice-director with the mission of transforming people's lives by increasing the opportunities and quality of learning by promoting evidence-based digital transformation in implementing public policies in education (in collaboration with the Ministry of Education in Brazil).

Dr. Bowen Hui
Dr. Bowen Hui is an Associate Professor of Teaching in the Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics at the University of British Columbia on the Okanagan campus. Her main research interest is in learning analytics, where she applies her PhD training in decision making under uncertainty to the education domain. Relevant work includes the development of probabilistic user models, machine learning, data visualization, and computational linguistics. Currently, her projects involve team analytics, course gamification, computational thinking for young children, and curriculum mapping.

Dr. Anh Hua
Anh is a quantitative researcher at ReadWorks. She received her Cognitive Psychology Ph.D. with a specialization in reading comprehension from the University of Denver and has a long-standing passion to conduct rigorous research to improve children’s learning outcomes. Anh has experience in assessing reading comprehension assessments, and in assessing the relationship between teachers’ instructional practices and students’ academic achievement. Anh is currently interested in leveraging technology to improve students’ reading comprehension outcomes.

Dr. Isabel Gasparini
Isabela Gasparini received her Ph.D. degree from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS - Brazil) with a sandwich period at TELECOM Sud Paris (France). She is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), where she is involved in Human-Computer Interaction and Technology-Enhanced Learning fields, with a special interest in adaptive e-learning systems, gamification, learning analytics, recommender systems, infoviz, context-awareness, and cultural issues.
VISTAS Colloquium Series Facilitators:

Technology to Improve Learning:
A Public Engagement Project
Event has ended
April 23, 2021
10:00 am EST - 1:00 pm EST
Virtual Workshop | Free
For more information, contact Carolyn Rose at [email protected]
Sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science
10:10am - 10:45am
Collaborative Focus Setting
In this interactive panel session, workshop participants will have the opportunity to voice main points and prioritize among potential topics of engagement represented within the expertise of panelists. Selected topics will be the focus of panel working sessions for the remainder of the workshop.
10:45am - 10:55am
10 min Break
10:55am - 11:00am
Share out from panel reps about focus of breakout
11:00am - 12:00pm
Parallel Working Panel Session
Each panel session features Panel Talks + QA and collaborative brainstorming and writing, as a partnership between panelists and workshop attendees
Panel 1: Personalize Learning Using Science And Technology
Panel 2: Adapt Teaching In Context
Panel 3: Diversify Education And Provide Equitable Access
10 min Break
12:10pm -12:40pm
Share out from Panel Break outs + discussion
12:40pm - 12:55pm
IAALDE overview and Next Steps Planning
12:55pm - 1:00pm
Thank you and closing
As we begin to emerge from COVID 19, perhaps more than ever before, we, as a society, are grappling with envisioning the future of education. We invite you to a public engagement project that is meant to engage Primary, Secondary, and Post-secondary education administrators, policy makers/implementors and researchers in an emerging partnership. We have assembled a panel of experts from across 10 different research societies. This will be a highly interactive and collaborative workshop. We will adopt an interactive panel format to offer participants the opportunity to hear about research from a broad spectrum of experts as well as the opportunity to offer, in response, key insights from practice that will inform new directions of the research. Our overarching aim is to bring more synergy between research and practice. Through this synergy, we hope to work together, to envision translation and implementation that are co-constructed through the interaction between the expert panels and the invited participants.
Administrators and policy makers/implementors of policy are invited to engage with world class leading researchers across a broad spectrum of research in technology enhanced learning to accelerate the path from research into real educational impact through practice. The work going forward would benefit tremendously from increased grounding from the lived experiences of administrators and implementors of policy in schools. At the same time that greater awareness of research findings might offer opportunities to reflect and reconsider practices on the ground in schools. This discussion lays the foundation for documents, resources, and activities to move the conversation forward.
The workshop is organized by the International Alliance to Advance Learning in a Digital Era, a not-for-profit alliance of over 3,000 researchers worldwide dedicated to learning and technology and the scientific advancement and practical understanding of how learners learn,and how technology can support education, and how to teach to bring these together effectively.
Panel 1:
Personalize Learning Using Science and Technology
In the wake of the emergency shift to online learning, we are more keenly aware of the need to make strategic decisions about which technologies will best meet the needs of students. Success stories have been published regarding technologies purporting to offer learning experiences to students that are cognitively and emotionally engaging, especially those offering intelligent sensing and support. Nevertheless, results in practice vary depending upon how the technologies are integrated with specific curricula and classroom practices. This panel explores the role of teacher and student in effective classroom learning with technology and seeks to promote research-educator partnerships for navigating published findings and available technologies as part of a collaborative curricular decision making process.

Dr. Marcela Borge
Dr. Marcela Borge is an assistant professor in the Learning, Design, and Technology program in the College of Education at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on unpacking group cognition, engagement, and student needs in order to design new models of interaction and tools to enhance collective cognitive processes.

Dr. Maiga Chang
Dr. Maiga Chang is Full Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Athabasca University, Canada and the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee of Learning Technology. Dr. Chang has been doing award winning work on advanced learning technologies and game-based learning research for two decades, with impact on problem solving, associative reasoning, planning and organization, evaluation and accuracy.

Dr. Tobias Ley
Dr. Tobias Ley is a Professor of Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation at the School of Educational Sciences at Tallinn University. He leads an interdisciplinary Research group on Learning Analytics and Educational Innovation made up of researchers in education, psychology and ICT. His research brings together cognitive and contextualized approaches to learning and technology.

Dr. Alexandra List
Dr. Alexandra List is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on students’ learning from multiple texts, for instance when researching complex topics on the Internet, and the higher-order cognitive processes involved (e.g., source evaluation, integration), as well as in students’ learning from non-textual (e.g., videos, data visualizations) media.

Dr. Anna Rafferty
Dr. Anna Rafferty is an associate professor of computer science at Carleton College. Her work addresses questions at the intersection of machine learning, computational cognitive science, and education, with a focus on applications of reinforcement learning methods to adaptive educational technologies. She is a member of the board of the International Educational Data Mining Society.

Dr. Joan Walker
Dr. Joan Walker currently serves as Associate Professor (School of Education) and Interim Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at Pace University. She also holds an Expert appointment in the National Science Foundation’s Education and Human Resources Directorate. Grounded in her deep understanding of how interpersonal relationships support children’s learning and development, she designs and tests a range of simulations of professional practice to examine the role that “soft skills” play in the development of teaching expertise.

Dr. Beverly P. Woolf
Dr. Beverly Woolf has more than 20 years experience in educational computer science research, production of intelligent tutoring systems and development of multimedia systems. She is author of the 2009 book Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors and is the (co)author of over 150 technical papers. She has delivered tutorial, training programs and keynote addresses and served on panels in more than twenty countries.
Panel 2:
Adapt Teaching in Context
This panel comprises researchers across communities, many of whom have worked closely in partnership with educators, administrators, and policy people. With a particular focus on the issue of social isolation in online learning, this panel takes a critical look at itself, considering learning as it is contextualized in the lived experiences of educators and students through COVID 19. Processes of translation from research to practice have been forged through past efforts, but these pathways that have been effective at meeting real needs in earlier times may need to be reconsidered in light of the realities we have seen in the past year as the context for much of learning has shifted suddenly. The panel therefore explores paths forward to achieve resilience in the face of emergency transitions and disruption in order to mitigate disproportionate negative effects on vulnerable populations.

Dr. Mutlu Cukurova
Dr. Mutlu Cukurova is an Associate Professor of Learning Technologies at University College London. His work broadly addresses the pressing social-educational challenge of preparing people for a future that will require a great deal more than the routine cognitive skills currently prized by many education systems. Besides, he is in UNESCO's Digital Learning and UCL’s Grand Challenges on Transformative Technologies working groups, an Editor of the British Journal of Educational Technology and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction.

Dr. Shayan Doroudi
Dr. Shayan Doroudi is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education and (by courtesy) Department of Informatics at the University of California at Irvine. His research is at the intersection of the learning sciences, educational technology, and educational data science. One of his interests is in studying how computational models can be constructed to give insights on situated and constructivist accounts of learning and the difficulties in doing so.

Dr. Deanna Kuhn
Dr. Deanna Kuhn is a Research Professor of Psychology and Education who is world famous for research on using technology to support development of thinking skills, problem-based learning, collaborative thinking, and discourse.

Dr. Doug Lombardi
Dr. Doug Lombardi is an Associate Professor, Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland. As the head of the Science Learning Research Group, he conducts research examining reasoning and critical thinking about knowledge claims. Much of this research is situated within the context of formal classroom settings and focuses on effective teaching tools and strategies to support deep learning, particularly about scientific topics that pose local, regional, and global challenges (e.g., causes of current climate change, availability of freshwater resources).

Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler is an associate professor at Graz University of Technology and area head at the Know-Center. Her research is on designing and evaluating socio-interventions for workplace learning and knowledge work; and sits at the intersection of technology-enhanced learning, human-computer interaction and information system research. Viktoria is president of the International Alliance to Advance Learning in the Digital Era (IAALDE) and member of the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL)’s managing committee.

Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
Dr. Mercedes T. Rodrigo is a Professor of Information Systems and Computer Science at Ateneo de Manila University. She has written extensively on the problem of equity in education from a sociocultural perspective, especially in marginalized contexts. Much of her research has focused on study of the factors that lead to or perpetuate inequalities in access to education.

Dr. Stephanie D. Teasley
Dr. Stephanie Teasley is a Research Professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan where she directs the Learning, Education & Design Lab. Her research focuses on issues of collaboration and learning, looking specifically at how sociotechnical systems can be used to support effective collaborative processes and successful learning outcomes. She is the past president of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) and a Distinguished Member of the ACM.
Panel 3:
Diversify Education and Provide Equitable Access
Issues regarding equitable access to high quality educational experiences have become more pronounced in the wake of COVID 19. A full solution requires action at multiple levels and from multiple sectors. This panel addresses specific equity concerns raised when intelligent technologies are introduced into the classroom, whether in-person, virtual or in hybrid contexts, and across K-16 and beyond learning contexts. Introduction of technologies powered by AI open up the possibility of biases and inequities being introduced if care is not taken in considering (a) how developers construct those technologies, (b) when and how equity, diversity, inclusion, and access are considerations in design, refinement, or use testing and implementation. Research informing best practices exists but is not always applied, sometimes because of limitations placed on policies and concerns regarding privacy and data ownership. This panel explores a cost-benefit analysis in terms of decision-making regarding data handling practices and what is or is not afforded in terms of promoting equity (mitigating harmful bias of algorithmic unfairness). We will explore these issues in K12 as well as higher ed, STEM as well as literacy.

Dr. Tiffany Barnes
Dr. Tiffany Barnes is a Professor of Computer Science at North Carolina State University and Founding Co-Director of the STARS Computing Corps, a Broadening Participation in Computing Alliance funded by the National Science Foundation. She is a Distinguished Member of the Association of Computing Machines (ACM). Her internationally recognized research program focuses on transforming education with AI-driven learning technologies and research on equity and broadening participation, impacting thousands of K20 students.

Dr. Linda Corrin
Dr. Linda Corrin is Associate Professor, Learning Analytics and Director, Learning Transformations Unit at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia. She has 20 years of experience working in higher education and has taught in the fields of education, business, and IT. Her research interests include learning analytics, educational technology, feedback, and learning design. She is currently working on several research projects exploring how learning analytics can be used to provide meaningful and timely feedback to academics and students.

Dr. Kimberley Gomez
Dr. Kimberley Gomez is a Professor in the Urban Schooling Division in the Department of Education at UCLA, and is jointly appointed in the Information Studies Department at UCLA. She is the Principal Investigator on a National Science Foundation Computer Science for All: Researcher-Practitioner Partnership (RPP) grant that focuses on how to effectively teach problem solving practices in 3rd – 4th grade computer science classes, in low-income communities.

Dr. Marco Kalz
Dr. Marco Kalz is full professor of technology-enhanced learning at the Heidelberg University of Education. His research interest lies on the use of open education, pervasive technologies and formative assessment to support learning and knowledge construction.

Dr. Rene Kizilcec
Rene Kizilcec is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at Cornell University, where he directs the Future of Learning Lab. He studies the use and impact of technology in formal and informal learning environments and scalable interventions to broaden participation and reduce achievement gaps.

Dr. Rita Ndagire Kizito
Dr. Kizito spent almost 40 years in different education sectors including high school, teacher training, Open Distance Learning and higher education. Inspired by theorists interested in using practical approaches to learning activity design, Dr. Kizito subscribes to a non-dualist approach to interaction. This is an activity shaped by discourse as a marker for human learning and development. She believes that the ability to trace our marked discourses forging future learning can shape our contributions to learning development.

Dr. Collin F. Lynch
Dr. Collin F. Lynch is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at North Carolina State University. His research is focused on educational data mining, the development of robust adaptive systems for Ill-Defined domains such as writing, law, and software development. Dr. Lynch Policy Chair for the International Educational Data Mining society. In this capacity he studies policy and ethical issues in educational data mining including work on fairness, accountability and transparency.

Dr. Jon Mason
Dr. Jon Mason is Assistant Dean International & a Senior Lecturer in the College of Education specializing in digital technologies. His research focuses on data literacy, questioning, sense-making and digital futures. Jon holds Master's degrees in Cognitive Science and Knowledge Management and a PhD in Education. He has an extensive publication record and a background in international standardization.

Dr. Kathryn S. McCarthy
Dr. Kathryn McCarthy is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Learning Sciences at Georgia State University. Her research examines the cognitive processes involved in comprehension and how these processes vary across different learners and disciplines. She is interested in how technology can be used to study learning as it unfolds and how it can be leveraged to provide personalized instruction and feedback.

Dr. Jill-Jênn Vie
Dr. Jill-Jênn Vie is a researcher at Inria, France. He is a board member of the French Computer Science Society (SIF), a member of the French IT Society for Education & Training (ATIEF) and the General Chair of the upcoming Educational Data Mining 2021 conference. His research focuses on adaptive assessment & student modeling for optimizing human learning, with an interest in fair & privacy-preserving technologies.

Dr. Panayiota (Pani) Kendeou
Dr. Kendeou is a Professor of Educational Psychology and an expert on debunking misinformation. She directs the Reading + Learning Lab and co-directs the CEHD Learning Informatics Lab, both at the University of Minnesota where she studies how to effectively reduce the impact of misinformation about socio-scientific topics, such as vaccines, climate change, and autism we often encounter during reading.

Dr. Kenneth Koedinger
Dr. Koedinger is a professor of Human Computer Interaction and Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. His multidisciplinary background supports his research goals of understanding human learning and creating educational technologies that increase student achievement. His research has contributed new principles and techniques for the design of educational software and has produced basic cognitive science research results on the nature of student thinking and learning.
Workshop Organization

Dr. Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Dr. Carolyn Rosé is a Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University and Founding Chair of IAALDE. Her research is published in top venues of 5 fields: Language Technologies, Learning Sciences, Cognitive Science, Educational Technology, and Human-Computer Interaction, with awards in 3 of these fields. She is a Past President and Inaugural Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
October 2022 - Ongoing
IAALDE organizes a colloquium series on Learning and Technologies Visions, Inspirations, Synergy and Transformation across Societies (IAALDE VISTAS Colloquium Series).
September 2022
Ekaterina Kochmar was elected to chair the alliance board, and Anouschka van Leeuwen to continue as the Alliance's secretary.
May 2022
IAALDE is looking for ambitious mid-career researchers pre-tenured or recently tenured, who are developing and implementing a long-range research vision (think: 5-10 years ahead) and are therefore interested in discussing their research vision with peers from multiple societies and different disciplinary backgrounds.
April 2021
IAALDE hosts virtual workshop titled "Technology to Improve Learning: A Public Engagement Project".
September 2020
Viktoria was elected to chair the alliance board, and Anouschka van Leeuwen was elected as new secretary.
June 2019
Viktoria Pammer-Schindler was elected to serve as secretary to the continuing leadership of Stephanie as chair.
June 2019
The alliance held an IAALDE best paper session together with a panel discussion at the CSCL 2019 in Lyon, France.
October 2018
Carolyn Rose, IAALDE’s Inaugural chair, steps down, and Stephanie Teasley becomes the 2018/2019 Chair. Carolyn takes the supporting role of Secretary.
JUNE 2018
IAALDE organized a Best Paper session (Alliance Best Paper) and Panel Session (Alliance Panel: A Look Into the Future: Contributions from our Societies) at the London Festival of Learning.
September 2017
IAALDE was featured in a plenary panel on the closing day of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Education (EC-TEL)